- 16:38 I declare Whack Your Boss the funniest thing on the Internet. They should make a movie. #
- 17:27 Reminder: Make your donations this week to get the tax credit in April. I recommend the Red Cross and the NDP. #
- 18:25 RE: @mashable What, no midi music or flaming logos? Oh well, just make sure your site is Google Translate friendly. No… disq.us/wd0qo #
- 18:58 Peace, and common sense, are counting on you. altavistagoogle.blogspot.com/2010/12/give-now-or-for-ever-hold-your-peace.html #
- 19:04 Canada spend $650 per Canadian per year on the military. China spends $53. bit.ly/fMTZpF #
- 21:21 Dear Neflix, Gay and Lesbian are two completely different genres. Stop saying I'm going to like man on man movies! #
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
- 14:47 Canada spends 21 billion dollars a year on the military, yet the Taliban are our only enemy! secure.ndp.ca/onetime_f.php #
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
- 12:15 "Paul Martin" accused of attempted murder on his wife while on a trip to Jamaica. As if the name wasn't sullied enough #
- 12:17 If you subscribe to Netflix.ca, I highly recommend Discovery Channel's "Everest"... especially if you like to type. #
- 12:19 ... One of the guys decided to climb the mountain after almost dying in a motorcycle accident. Proof humans are inherently irrational. #
- 12:38 "Why don't you have more education?" www.moderationtown.com/ Also, useless jargon quote from @AmberMac 's book. # !
- 12:39 ... (in lieu of "don't feed the trolls"). :) #
- 13:23 Make love not war. Here is hopping for a peaceful, sexual 2011. www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o #
- 02:42 My resolution for 2011 is to laugh more. :) www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1985/11/17/ #
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
- 02:13 I got a spam from Microsoft tonight promoting Bing! I'm now boycotting Bing and I hope executives in Seattle burn in Hell. #BanSpam #
- 02:54 The cover of the January Wired isn't a pair of boobs, but I guess it'll do. :) twitpic.com/3iaxax #
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
- 21:20 Is cocaine in the UK really that much more expensive than in Canada? bit.ly/epTJKo #
- 03:26 The lunar eclipse in Moncton is great... As long as you are watching it on the Internet. Happy winter. #
- 03:42 Now that the moon is invisible, we are left with the stars. #eclipse twitpic.com/3hzz2u #
- 03:45 @shayman A power outage right now would be way cool #
Monday, December 20, 2010
- 23:50 L'édition de lundi de Le Monde lu Dimanche à Moncton. (le web c'est quand même mieux). twitpic.com/3hn8wg #
- 23:56 ...L'ironie d'une copie électronique d'un journal papier. twitpic.com/3hnak0 #
- 00:01 ...Si seulement on inventait une sorte de lien hypertexte qu'on pourrait peser dessus. :) #
- 00:11 mtv.ca is at the upper limit of what I will tolerate in ad quantity in Internet video (even for the addictive Jersey Shore 2 in Miami) #
- 00:18 @! weshouldgrowyou You might want to check out MTV.com . The Canadian version (MTV.ca) has season 2 #
Sunday, December 19, 2010
- 02:13 Netflix.ca has 4 seasons of Top Gear! (9-12) #
- 02:29 Maybe Top Gear is now too popular (screen cap of Season 1, episode 1, via Netflix.ca) ! twitpic.com/3hclbi #
Saturday, December 18, 2010
- 20:09 Two problems with Word Lens: Does not work with iPhone 3G and I can already read Spanish. Still amazing though. #
Friday, December 17, 2010
- 16:24 "If you're stupid, start smoking," (50 year smoker and emphysema sufferer 68 y/o former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein). Sadly, there are many. #
- 18:19 Toronto dropping the $60 yearly car tax is actually a good thing as it increases the relative variable cost of driving v leaving car parked #
- 18:21 ... With fixed costs, the cost per km actually decreases the more you drive. Tolls or a gas tax would be better. #Toronto #
- 20:32 voteij.com Not sure why Youtube star an Apple fangirl iJustine wants to be on Steve Jobs' ABC TV network, but whatever. #! a>
- 20:36 It is sad that when I saw that Altavista was trending, I thought it was my blog, not the formerly popular search site that inspired the name #
Thursday, December 16, 2010
- 05:36 www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/210827 Not sure why helping Brown would make sense for conservative Sarko... #
- 05:38 www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2010/nov/28/us-embassy-cables-wikileaks Cool map of Wikileak stories #
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
- 05:29 I love all the people not getting the irony of complaining about the expense of official bilingualism on the CBC web site.BBC&PBS are free! #
- 05:33 .. Spending all those tax dollars on "English Canadian" TV, web and radio is OK, but having French language tax forms is too expensive? Hmm #
- 05:40 ...Bilingualism in New Brunswick is too expensive, but having a province of 750,000 people is OK (7 million in Quebec )? #
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
- 04:16 bit.ly/hnGIwT Bretons fight to save endangered language (from @cnn) #
Monday, December 13, 2010
- 15:47 African-Americans and Latinos are twice as likely to use [Twitter] as whites. (NYTimes) #
- 17:22 Informative article: Canada faces a flood of heroin and addicts Ottawa Citizen bit.ly/fLUPTQ #
- 18:35 Ultimate gag gift this Christmas: Decision Points, George W. Bush (advo link on my blog). j.mp/Moncton #
- 18:39 @geraldfillion Un contexte géographique aide beaucoup lorsqu'on parle de la météo sur Internet. Je présume que vous êtes à Montréal? #
- 18:41 Things just got real. No longer with iPad in bed. Now out of bed in front of computer! (Lazy Sunday while sick). #
- 18:43 Promote freedom of expression my brin! ging down web sites? Um, no. Vandalism is vandalism. #
- 18:49 @cr0vax 100% d'accord. Mais je crois que l'on devrait viser plus haut que les standards des membres du Congrès américains. #
- 18:53 @kathleenogrady twitpic.com/3femw9 - Maybe it is just the home sickness speaking, but that is actually a nice photo. #
- 18:56 My 40 something former boss here in Moncton came back from Ottawa talking about the "all those tall buildings" twitpic.com/3femw9 ... #! a>
- 18:58 ... I couldn't resit laughing at him (Ottaw a buildings have a height restriction in the belief that Parliament shouldn't be dwarfed) #
- 19:01 @snookca Unless you have bronchitis like I do right now, as it grantees a stressful coughing fit. #
- 19:10 If you spent the day reading the New York Times, you should finish it off with a dose of Jersey Shore (staring NYers: j.mp/aaatv ) #
- 19:25 "Eating fried pickles was life changing experience" (Jersey Shore's Snooki in Savannah on her way to Miami). #
- 19:58 "I was sceptical about 7 inches too" ( @CaliLewis on TWIT) #
- 20:26 Immigrants should be forced to watch Jersey Shore before coming to North America. #
- 22:04 Do not give to Protestant bible pushers like Samaritan's Purse. Give to legit aid organisations. #Hait #
- 22:11 Tea Party in shock as Sarah Palin promises to send more of their money to Haiti, using (expensive) military equipment. #
- 22:16 DÉCOUVERTE Épisode 10 : La ruée vers le gaz de schiste www.tou.tv/decouverte/S2010E10 #
- 00:29 So Gizmodo was hacked and now a ha! cker somewhere knows my password (unlike me, I forgot it ages ago). #
- 00:59 "I could adapt to anything except the loss of female company" (HarryHarrison aka Julian Assange's dating profile).Oops. gaw.kr/hOlP4Z #
- 01:45 Winona Ryder says she doesn't use the Internet, just email. My pet peeve is people confusing the World Wide Web and the Internet. #
Sunday, December 12, 2010
- 17:50 I am watching The Office S711 on GlobalTV.com - glbl.tv/fxDazp #
- 18:11 Check this video out -- Zeitgeist 2010: Year in Review t.co/uQY2Z03 #
- 18:31 Go figure, unlike everywhere else, searching for Gmail was more popular than Hotmail in Ireland this year. j.mp/GmailEire #
- 18:35 Just found out about www.deezer.com thanks to search results in France: j.mp/FranceDeezer #
- 19:16 Glasser - Rin! g / www.deezer.com/music/glasser/ring-649027?provider=website #
- 21:38 Despite Sandrine Bonnaire, I've decided the only way to watch Monsieur Hire on Netflix is with hockey streaming on my other screen. #
- 21:42 Epic Mickey looks way cool #
- 21:48 You can watch CBC hockey for free on your TV or computer, but will cost you $3 on your iPad! #
- 23:12 $3 CBC hockey games on your iPad (you supply the bandwidth), twitpic.com/3f4nn8 #
- 23:13 Global TV iPad app is sweet. Showc ase and CTV, we are waiting... twitpic.com/3f4o8n #
- 23:17 ...On the other hand, being able to watch Showcase from my blog is pretty sweet to (requires Flash). j.mp/h7WFaL #
Saturday, December 11, 2010
- 14:00 @xflansx You lie! Only one episode is up, the other is just a preview. PS, EP1 is the best episode of Moderation Town, ever. #
- 14:10 @moderationtown Is there a HTML 5 iOS compatible version? The show is good, but is it really get out of bed and walk to computer good? #
- 14:26 I hate people who sound gay on the phone. Man up, if I wanted to sleep with you I'd be there in person. #
- 14:32 That last tweet sounded homophobic. I'm not, honest. My father is gay, not that there is anything wrong with that. :) #
- 14:35 My job interview this morning reminded me that lesbians work in tech support, gays work in customer service... #
- 14:37 ...The gender gap where I work between tech support and customer service is quite stricking (same salary). #
- 18:40 "The Internet is an unlimited porn machine" (Moderation Town). Warning, show contains no nudity. j.mp/Mtown #
- 19:10 Its not just Sarah Palin that works for Rupert Murdoch. j.mp/MurdockBoobs (video of topless British women) #
- 19:31 In 1995 I took an ad buying cour! se. No mention of the Internet. Today, the gas company is advertising on my blog! twitpic.com/3er25c #
- 19:35 I remember how people started freaking out when Protor and Gamble started advertising on the web. Now utilities do it. Incredible. #
Friday, December 10, 2010
- 18:05 Dear followers, if you happen the have the exact same TV tastes as me, be sure to check out my online TV links j.mp/aaatv j.mp/aaatv #
- 18:46 Proof the new full screen button in Chrome was my idea :) twitpic.com/3eg9g6 #
- 19:41 Why visiting New York City via Google Streetview isn't enough. (December issue of Metropolis Magazine on my iPad) twitpic.com/3egnl4 #
- 19:48 @RosieBarton Taking it would have been a criminal offence (see Gizmodo and the iPhone saga). #
- 20:18 "[...]nous avons absolument besoin des Québécois" (Acadie Nouvelle d'aujourd'hui page 2) :) #
- 22:04 Trying out the New Brunswick library system's ebook/audiobook eborowing. Pretty cool. Now I want a Kobo eReader as it is not iPad friendly. #
- 22:07 ... My first ebook from the New Brunswick Library www.gnb.ca/0003/ twitpic.com/3ehqe3 #
- 22:17 ...Be sure to scroll over the lizard's face if you are using the Twitpic web site. ha, ha. #
- 22:19 Tagged: @BruceFitch - twitpic.com/3ehqe3 #
- 01:18 Dance Dance Revelation - Modern Family - Citytv Video Portal - bit.ly/fPfR0m #
- 02:53 3 of the people I follow are already @moderationtown followers. #
- 03:00 Dear @moderationtown , your show is so good I want to put it on my blog. Why no embed option? #
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
- 07:05 "I want to be reincarnated as a Black guy. Not in my next life, but the one after that" (Last Comic standing) #
- 07:17 @mariejoelle Où-ce tu vas? #
- 07:28 I love the trending topics just before much of North America wakes up: so seemingly random #
- 10:07 Wow, If you aren't watching Regis and Kelly, set your DVR for CTV Vancouver (112) 1 PM (PEI time). Quite the impressive informertial. #
- 10:12 This is not a bluescreen. Regis and Kelley in PEI. twitpic.com/24xgw8 #
- 11:55 To those of you who may think Twitter is useless, the Canadian Press corrected their article, before printing, thanks to my tweets... #
- 11:57 ... Now if only the federal government could do the same. #census www.canadaeast.com/search/article/1131940 #
- 12:23 @impolitical I doubt the federal government would be impacted too much by the long form status. However,hyper local decisions (schools),yes #
- 12:33 If you think promoting PEI is a good thing, please object to Acadianbus dropping the only bus link from Maine. bit.ly/csSavS #
- 12:41 The extension of rail service to Brunswick, ME, is ironic.The state is about to lose the only bus connection to Canada! bit.ly/ce9UHA #
12:50 Only 1 km of highway on two lanes between Halifax and the Quebec border (near Edmundston). Head on collision today. bit.ly/aifRgZ # - 12:55 Extending rail service from Portland to Brunswick is stupid. The Boston trains will be 90% empty after Portland. #
- 13:15 Worldcup is over and sensible people are outside. Why is Twitter still so buggy? #
- 13:21 Apple drops 6.81 billion dollars (3%) because of Consumer's Report? "Your donation makes a difference" bit.ly/d6iSDl #
- 23:15 My Adsense revenue this month: $0.73. Last month: $2.22. At least that is US dollars... #
- 23:19 ... Amazon Associates: $0 despite 36 clicks. #
- 02:30 Somebody at the CBC thinks Canadians understand Hebrew. HD version of movie has 50% of subtitles cut off. #
- 05:46 Amreeka is an excellent movie. Pointless, but good. #
- 05:56 All potential immigrants to Canada/USA should see Amreeka. "-This place sucks (son) -All places suck (mother)" #
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
- 19:00 @robihot You should have taken a screen cap as it is longer the case. #PEI #
- 19:26 My upstairs neighbour just installed air conditioning. Heat rises... #
- 19:38 @jenditchburn Are you sure the last sentence of that article is accurate? #
- 19:44 @jenditchburn I'm pretty sure the short form asks what was your "first language learned and still understood" not what you speak at home. #
- 20:10 @jenditchburn Conf irmed. The last sentence of the article is incorrect. See Census of Pop , Step E, Q.7 : bit.ly/dAzory #
- 20:15 @jenditchburn ... "the language they speak there." (last sentence) should be replaced with "their first language". #
- 20:21 @jenditchburn ... From the short form, there is no way to know what language people actually speak at home... #
- 20:22 @jenditchburn ... Hence the complaint from the The Federation of Francophone and Acadian Communities. #
- 21:27 Consumer's Report iPhone 4 solution: Duct tape! bit.ly/99egYO Red Green is probably jumping up and down with joy. #
- 21:30 @peterwesleychgo Dam, your Red Green iPhone reference beat me by 7 minutes. :) #
- 21:46 Minister @TonyClement_MP fails at statistics. Read his tweets about the voluntary long form census. #
- 22:26 Who needs spies when you have access to DND surfing habits. twitpic.com/24t47f #
- 23:59 Don't get too excited about the so called spike in PEI searches today: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pei_Wei_Asian_Diner #
- 06:33 The "Superman" move in Moto X Freestyle (from RDS) twitpic.com/24w3g9 #
Monday, July 12, 2010
- 23:51 Not to brag, but I predicted the World Cup winner back in June twitpic.com/24k6r4 #
- 23:56 @mimonette "Si tous les journaux étaient payants", je croix qu'il y aurais moins de journaux (et de journalistes). #
- 05:45 Capitalism: A Love Story is on at 3:30 PM (AT) today on TMN. #
Sunday, July 11, 2010
- 22:35 "Due to the high number of inappropriate editorials, the editorial feature of the Ottawa Sun has been turned off." #Quebecor #
- 22:43 @Cherniak Odd. I loved it. #
- 23:06 Double rainbow merchandise: twitpic.com/23l1nc . It's like the double rainbow is becoming more popular than Jesus, man. :) #
- 23:27 Imagine playing Super Mario on the sidewalk: j.mp/Moncton #
- 00:23 Sarah Palin: White Mama Grizzlies . j.mp/Moncton #
Saturday, July 10, 2010
- 15:17 @acedtect If that notion makes you sleep better at night... Fact is most people riot close to home. G20, Worldcup, Stanley Cup, etc... #
- 15:29 Fact: adultery still illegal in many US states. Women often plead guilty, and risk jail but usually pay a fine, so they can get divorced. #
- 15:50 "prohibition of the death penalty, at least for children, [..] must be fully implemented" (Jimmy Carter, 2002 Nobel Prize acceptance speech) #
- 15:57 Seeing "Capitalism, a Love Story" reaffirms my conviction that we should give money to the NDP. Capitalism is OK with moderation. #
- 16:33 A bank advertising on a review of "Capitalism, a Love Story" = Irony. twitpic.com/23tm0c #
- 16:46 Surreal spy swap in Vienna by Russia and the USA: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/us_and_canada/10564994.stm #
- 17:06 Once-wealthy athletes who lost it all fxn.ws/9BXzaz #
- 17:57 Gift to the haters in your life (for the lulz). Nickelback Revenge - itunes.apple.com/ca/app/nickelback-revenge/id378029159?mt=8 #
- 18:05 The new Digg is like a more human 1997 Pointcast Network. (I just got my alpha invite to new.digg.com ) #
- 18:11 Digg 4 (aka new Digg) is still incredibly buggy, so you can wait. #
- 18:56 Dear IRS, did you know that Digg feeds its employees twice a day! #
- 02:20 I've spoken to many versions of this lady: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ12Ry-hD6I #callcenter #
- 02:50 Youtube ads are getting way to contextual twitpic.com/23yspv #
- 05:25 @jackpfree I was made to care by Diggnation. Now I'm just curious. #
Friday, July 9, 2010
- 20:13 Youtube Leanback ( www.youtube.com/leanback ) is pretty sweet if your computer is connected to two screens. #
- 22:05 "Capitalism, a love Story" on TMN right now! #
- 03:36 Tonight's Oakland riots: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PlpMUyvQJY #
- 03:54 There are more camera men than rioters, but still entertaining: cbs5.com/ #Oakland #
- 04:09 Germans riot over #worldcup loss: www.youtube.com/watch?v=c49IGMu_iG k #
- 04:13 @decryption Ironic post considering the riots in San Francisco-Oakland tonight. #
- 05:25 WTF is @BryanKersey accused of? Child porn, mail fraud, hacking Sarah Palin's email? What? #diggnation #
- 06:10 @jackpfree Do you even know what he is accused of? #
- 06:16 @acedtect Why do you say the rioters were "outsiders"? Local people can riot. #
- 06:28 @jackpfree If I was innocent I'd tell the world what I was accused of to show how ridiculous it was, not keep it a secret. #
Thursday, July 8, 2010
- 10:45 @nonpromqueen Seesmic Desktop is virtually identical to Tweetdeck. But frankly, I prefer the Twitter web site. #
- 10:58 @shuocheng You should sell "new revolutionary cold drinks that even women can drink". You will make a fortune! :) #
- 13:09 @CaliLewis Ditto here in Canada (but not in the iTunes UK Store or iTunes Australia Sore where TWIT rules). You're also absent in France. #
- 00:27 Most boring man in Canada, David Johnston, named Governor General. On the plus side, the king will visit us less often. #
- 00:52 If it was up to me, the Governor General of Canada would be an Inuit elder who speaks neither English nor French. #
- 01:53 Anybody know why I frequently have to shut down my computer, and restart it, to get iTunes to open? (Windows 7) #
- 05:15 If you have a podcast , let me know so I can add you to my list: twitter.com/Altavistagoogle/podcasters #
- 05:29 @eriklanigan My beef is the missing video link on twit.tv/tnt. Google Reader gave it to my hours ago, yet still missing. :( #
- 05:46 @eriklanigan ... twitpic.com/23ezmb Vs. twitpic.com/23f0kt (I'm 4 hours ahead of you). #
- 06:01 @eriklanigan ... Also, you can't sort TWIT's Youtube videos by date! Example of sortable channel: www.youtube.com/ijustine #
- 06:15 @eriklanigan ... TNT Youtube playlist not updating properly. (Look in comments) www.youtube.com/user/twit#grid/user/C43598DF96AE5F74 #
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
- 13:07 Make sure you have the sound on. The double rainbow guy: youtu.be/OQSNhk5ICTI #
- 15:27 www.calypsoparc.com/ has good music for watching the #Worldcup #
- 19:44 I'm a ball of sweat after walking in Moncton at 24C. Not sure how the rest of North America is handling the heat. #
- 20:45 My latest blog post is surrounded by Victoria Secret ads bit.ly/aaGfxu #
- 20:51 My bad, I think it was my Richard Brandson post that generated the Victoria's Secret Adsense ads. j.mp/Moncton #
- 21:14 My blog is approaching 70,000 unique visits (counter doesn't count me but does count Googlebots, which lately account for 10% of visitors). #
- 21:17 ... The archive of my tweets has been viewed 3 times. altavistagoogle2.blogspot.com/ #
- 21:59 I'm having a beer in honour of Lindsay Lohan (I don't have access to a car). Note that the judge and prosecutor were women... #
- 22:24 @BrentButt Don't worry, nobody gets the National Post here in the Maritimes (they cancelled home delivery to Maritimers) #
- 06:26 @shuocheng No. Women here in Canada have cold drinks and ice-cream whenever they want. #
Monday, July 5, 2010
- 07:22 Will the 1000 people arrested in Toronto last week need a visa to enter the USA from now on? #
- 07:49 Imagine how many lives would have been spared without the American war of independance. #
- 08:25 iBookstore Canada finally has some contemporary content. You can now read Glenn Beck in total secrecy. :) twitpic.com/22cn7r #
- 08:28 @KremlinRussia_E Are you the only spy left? #
- 08:39 @freyburg Including Glenn Beck's entire collection (not that there is anything wro ng with that). #
- 16:09 Oil Companies Reap Billions From Subsidies - nyti.ms/dxFtgG #
- 17:17 As a percentage of population, way fewer people were arrested during the G20 than during the October Crisis. #
- 17:18 ...The Montreal urban area only had 2.7 M people in 1970 against 5.9 M in the GTA today. #
- 17:30 Googe Adsense is promoting Israel on my blog! I think it is because I mentioned Toronto. j.mp/Moncton (ads are location dependant) #
- 17:33 Two ads for Israel and an ad for an SUV on one post! altavistagoogle.blogspot.com/2010/07/amber-macarthur-interviews-richard.html #
- 17:38 ...You should take the bus and visit New Brunswick. #
- 00:04 Sarah Silverman should be proud. Still, more popular than Mandela? twitpic.com/22k3c9 #
Sunday, July 4, 2010
- 16:55 If #ESP win the #Worldcup , I'll win $7! That will compensate for the $100 plus I've lost betting on teams like North Korea. alc.ca #
- 16:58 People like this call Moncton call centres RT @TorontoStar Man charged after trying to extract a tooth while driving bit.ly/cXiGjR #
- 05:27 @decryption That's a short flight. (424km by road). I've flown on smaller Canadairs. (3 seats wide). No complaints. #
- 05:39 @decryption You can buy your Vegas monorail pass in advance. :) www.lvmonorail.com/ #
- 05:46 @decryption Both the Vegas monorail and the Canadair are made by Bombardier. www.bombardier.com/ #
05:53 Dear #USA, I'd celebrate your independence with your, but the Loyalists (to #eng ) were bad news for we Acadians. Please take them back. # - 06:01 @decryption www.greyhound.com/ #
- 06:14 All the Future Shops in the Maritimes are sold out of the $550 iPad . Some left at a couple of stores in Toronto. #
- 06:27 iPad sold out in many places in the USA, the UK, and France. Incredible. And still not available in places like Belgium and Austria #
Saturday, July 3, 2010
- 19:38 I was just kicked out of the live.twit.com chatroom. #shame #
- 19:40 Happy long weekend to all Americans. (We will steal your jobs Monday). Enjoy! #
- 20:23 Watching South Park watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/south-park/season-1/south-park-102-weight-gain-4000/ #
- 20:47 If you missed it, the #Ned #Bra match is on the CBC. #
- 20:54 @techdelight Um, your bit.ly link didn't work #
- 21:24 @jfcodere Comment fait-on pour accéder le contenu francophone du PS3 video store? #
- 21:30 @pepair As-tu trouver comment louers les films PS3 en français? Ils sont là sur le site web. Je ne les trouver pas dans le PS3 Video Store. #
- 21:36 Totally misleading Rogers commercial implies they will replace your phone for free if you drop it. Not true: rogers.com/protection #
- 21:47 Dear @PlayStation how do you switch from the English-Canada PS3 store to the French-Canada one (and vice-versa)? #
- 22:33 Voici la solution pour changer la langue des films offertes par le PlayStation Store: créez un nouveau compte. #
- 22:40 @jouez Pour changer de langue, tu dois créer un nouveau compte! Mais switcher est facile une fois que t'as deux comptes. #PlayStationStore #
- 22:50 Dear @MMFlint ,I find it ironic that you can't rent "Capitalism, a Love Story" in the new PlayStation Video Store. You have to BUY it! C$20 #
- 22:54 July 8 9:00PM (ET) on TMN. Capitalism: A Love Story bit.ly/aYOwGm #
- 23:25 @lauraorourke I prefer Movie Maker to MediaImpression that came with my Kodak camcorder. Other free options: bit.ly/9JZwz8 #
- 23:37 PS3 video store fail. The only way to access French language movies is to create a whole new account! #
- 00:22 The only Canadian to review NBC Boston's WHDH app is "Carboniz" (says its "cool"). But he/she also loves Justin Biebier... #iTunes #
Friday, July 2, 2010
- 11:15 Woke up to the sound of digging outside my window. Here's hopping your landlord is not a workaholic. Happy C day! #
- 11:24 There is no soccer, hockey or football today. What are we supposed to do, go outside? #CanadaDay #
- 11:38 @eyeonthehill Does she have a microblog (aka Twitter account)? #
- 11:53 @larrylarry RDSHD saves me here in Moncton (included by Rogers on basic cable in some markets). #
- 12:02 @usembassyottawa Does Clinton still blame Canada for 9 /11? #
- 12:47 Despite official PS3 video store launch, Sony says to Canada: No movies for you. Maybe if we try to be nicer. j.mp/Moncton #
- 13:41 My blog traffic tells me that the PS3 video store will quite popular once it is up. Click on counter for stats. j.mp/Moncton #
- 18:46 For most PS3 owners in Canada, the new PS3 video store is now the cheapest way to rent HD movies. j.mp/Moncton #
- 19:02 Happy Canada Day (PS3 Home version)! twitpic.com/21ld19 #
- 19:11 Hot Tub Time Machine is the number 1 download in today's new PS3 Canada video store. Where is the French content? twitpic.com/21lfbd #
- 19:36 Comment fait-on pour voir le contenu francophone du nouveau magasin PS3 vidéo? #
- 19:48 Hot Tub Time Machine HD in PS3 Video Store is 4.8GB! Thankfully, my Internet is fast enough (10mbps) to watch movie while I download. #
- 03:46 "I'm going to cry" (iJustine as she walks out of the Apple Store with a new iPhone 4) ijustine.com/getting-the-iphone/ I want her. #
- 03:53 @KindlerAndy I LOLed reading this at 4am (alone in the dark). #
Thursday, July 1, 2010
- 19:43 Looking forwards to tomorrow: A day off from the job search. #
- 19:45 @decryption The Russians are hiring... #
- 19:47 When my tweets seem like nonsense, I'm actually asking my Russian overlords about where they buried they money. #
- 00:24 GM is advertising an SUV on my blog! j.mp/Moncton twitpic.com/21e41o #
- 03:28 Dear @PlayStation , at what time will the new Canadian PS3 video store open?www.playstation.ca/psn/pl aystation-store/vds/ #
- 03:44 @corcoran I'm talking about the virtual PS3 video store grand opening: blog.us.playstation.com/category/video-playstation-network/ #
- 03:50 Anybody know why Blogger keeps ripping out the </embed> part of embeded video html code (then complains it is missing so you can't post)? #
- 04:04 PS3 video store in Canada. Rent movies without a computer, an iPod touch or digital cable (or leaving home). j.mp/Moncton #
- 05:02 Automatically post screenshots of your computer snoopon.me/ Strangest "service" on the Internet? (via bit.ly/bIDyjP ) #
- 05:23 A CV as a subway map! Uber cool: achisutoshinzo.deviantart.com/art/Resume-W-I-P-85047938 (via commandn.tv/ n.215) #
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
- 14:15 @andronemai You can stream them from your computer using the open source (and free) PS3 Media Player. #
- 15:20 To watch Podcasts like GeekBeat on your TV via PS3 ,just add the RSS video feed link (using your computer) to MyYahoo or Google Reader #
- 15:29 Looking forward, but expecting to be disappointed, with the Canadian launch of the PS3 video store on Thursday. #
- 15:35 Watching MacBreak with Leo Laporte ogling iPhone4 altavistagoogle.blogspot.com/2010/06/thisweekin-vs-twit.html #
- 15:54 I'm getting alot of hits today on my post about abolishing the monarchy. I wonder why. :) bit.ly/9AKdcQ #
- 18:21 That was weird. My Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus went missing. I reinstalled it, then had to update it 5 minutes later. Now OK. #
- 18:25 ...MSE mystery solved: www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/microsoft-pushes-new-version-of-security-essentials-to-existing-users/6710 #
- 18:30 Hulu Canada. Well not really, but kind of: altavistag oogle.blogspot.com/2010/06/canadian-hulu-for-canadian-eyes-only.html #
- 02:06 @andronemai Your welcome. I got the name slightly wrong though: (PS3 Media Server: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PS3_Media_Server ) #
- 02:16 @acedtect If I hadn't just watched 42 clips of American Loggers, your tweet/video would have caused me plenty of trouble-shooting. #
- 02:55 Watching the Aquarium HD on Rogers digital cable on demand. #
- 03:10 Good movie for only $1 Everything's Gone Green - itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewMovie?id=322219447&s=143455 #
- 03:12 ...I've spent hundreds of dollars on the lottery based on the movie Everything's Gone Green. :) #
- 03:13 Good for a loonie, Trailer Park Boys: The Movie - itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewMovie?id=330210993&s=143455 #
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
- 16:07 The Kindle is now only C$205, shipped. Tempting. I like the idea of being able to wireless buy books anywhere in the world. #
- 18:05 The C$549 iPad is sold out at most Future Shops. The anarchists must have bought them for the ride home. #
- 18:32 Watching Tech News Today at live.twit.tv/ because I'm bored and can't actually afford any new technology. #
- 19:51 According to MSNBC, Russian spies bury money in North America. Let the digging begin! bit.ly/b9PI48 #
- 23:49 @CaliLewis Your voice is more nasal than on GeakBrief. Please adjust base. #
- 00:01 You know your life is a tad empty when you keep hitting "check for firmware update" on your PlayStation. PS3 3.40 will be Picasa compatible #
- 00:04 Exactly at Noon Tokyo time, PS 3.40 firmware now available. I'm at 22%. #
- 00:11 @ambermac This discussion about bed time would be more interesting if there were pictures. #
- 00:13 New PS3 firmware installed, now waiting for Photo Gallery firmware installation. Good grief. #
- 00:16 Actually, Photo Gallery is a separate download! At 17%. Argh! #PS3 #
- 00:18 All this because the PS3 browser is Picasa web incompatible. This update better be good. twitpic.com/20vec5 #
- 00:31 After you update to PS3 3.40 , the Picasa web site will work again. #
- 01:33 I just uploaded a photo to my Picasa account using my PS3. Cool, although probably won't do it much. #PS3 #
- 03:24 The Picasa web site still sucks in the web browser of the 3.40 #PS3 ,but the Picasa integration with the Photo Gallery is amazing. #
Monday, June 28, 2010
- 14:47 Spectacular F1 crash. twitpic.com/20i017 #
- 14:56 @himpster Carrier hardware upgrade (still 1 year on contract). I hate the idea of a contract, but service no cheaper w/out. #
- 16:03 @00mb Would the bank tax apply to credit unions? #
- 00:16 Hey bud, you owe us a billion dollars. (Screen capture from the CBC's The National) twitpic.com/20m5x0 #
Sunday, June 27, 2010
- 10:21 I was in Cologne during the 1999 G8. Saw Clinton at a bar. Heavy police, cop told me not to walk down a street, but not a single fence. #G20 #
- 10:26 @olivier_amar So in Israel the leaves fall in Summer, not Fall? I'm confused #
- 11:21 I hope the Saudi Arabia delegation at the #G20 is driven around Toronto by a women. Preferably, someone with PMS. :) #
- 11:22 At 3PM AT, USA will teach Ghana that the Developed World rules. Third World should stick to making our stuff. Games are for rich people. :) #
- 11:25 @carolyndunncbc Dam, I wonder what their Summers are like. #
- 11:53 I love how despite CIBC having TV commercials for their app, TD's is more popular. twitpic.com/205209 #
- 12:14 @MicRoh365 You do realise that the iPhone is incompatible with the WIND network. #
- 13:19 Watching the USA-Algeria game in HD on Rogers On Demand. Don't tell me how it ends :) #
- 13:24 @Joan_Rivers I've un-followed you because of this nonsense. #
13:36 Getting satisfaction as @Joan_Rivers loses her followers for spamming iPad scam (or for allowing her account to be hacked by spammer). # - 15:06 Unlike the USA, Ghana was never part of the same country as Canada (unless you don't accept 1867 as Canada's year of independence) #Worldcup #
- 15:14 ... However, many provinces, now part of Canada, were, at different times, part of the same country as Ghana and the USA. #Worldcup #
- 15:19 The commercials are way better on ABC. #Worldcup #
- 15:25 :) NHL Draft is trending in Canada. We have our priorities straight. #Worldcup #
- 15:33 Dear racists, FYI, the president of Ghana is not African-American but he is Black. #Worldcup #
- 15:37 Africans are all rooting for Ghana. Just like all North Americans are rooting for the USA. Now you know. :) #Worldcup #
- 15:38 There should be continental teams. That way we could teach those smug Antarcticans a lesson. #
- 17:28 The Future Shop down-town Toronto was attacked (CBC), if they hurt the iPads, shoot to kill! :) #G20 #
- 17:35 Since the #G20 protesters are mostly White, do we assume they are foreigners? #
- < em>17:37 #G20 protesters trash Toronto. Nobody can tell the difference. :) #
- 17:45 @4Lou At least one leader (the Russian President) is taken a highway as his helicopter was grounded because of fog. #
- 18:05 @neyne "Important" to promote soccer in the USA? Really? Think about it. :) #
- 18:09 @neyne Americans have their own sports. What's the point of converting baseball, basketball, football and wrestling fans? #
- 18:12 #G20 protesters protests against globalisation by not watching #Worldcup soccer. #
- 18:15 @draper1206 What about the Summer Olympics? That is only 2 years away. Besides. Americans play soccer, they just don't watch it much. #
- 18:20 @neyne US population: 307 million. Northern North Americans create the best cell phone and have the best sports. Sorry. :) #
- 18:24 Unless some #G20 protesters get killed, nobody really cares. Any volunteers? #
- 18:34 @neyne I don't know. Was being a jerk. Still, I really don't see the benefit of evangelising soccer to North Americans. #
- 18:48 @neyne Popular = More expensive. National Hockey League tickets used to be affordable before American expansion. #
- 21:00 #G20 riots: I guess Toronto bankers really don't want the global bank tax. #
- 21:05 Apparently, Toronto police drive Pintos "burning police car could blow at any moment" (CBC). Journalist science fail. #
- 21:59 Zombieland on TMN starts in 5. #
- 22:32 "Thank God for red-necks" (Zombieland on TMN) #
- 23:40 Sinc e China and Saudi Arabia are members of the G20, I'm not sure what the anarchists want. Are they for democracy or against it? #
- 00:12 Who knew the National Post was just a front for Canada's anarchy movement? natpo.st/d0QSI4 #
- 00:41 F1 fans, don't forget to set your DVR for Sunday: 9AM Moncton time. #
- 01:16 OK Moncton, what's with all the 1:15 am sirens? #
- 01:48 @WildRoseMPBlake Are you advocating gov gas price ctrls like in NB and NS? #
- 01:52 Just to be clea r, Canadians can't buy the EVO, the Droid X or the iPhone 4G!? Thank goodness for Blackberry. #
- 02:06 The purpose of the #G20 is to discuss ways to stay rich and to complain about the help. Not that there is anything wrong with that. #
Saturday, June 26, 2010
- 11:40 When my 3 year old niece needs to be punished, my sister puts her in front of #worldcup soccer. #
- 11:55 @myfriendian Your tweet would be more relevant if you told us your location instead of "anywhere". #
Friday, June 25, 2010
- 22:33 I find it amusing that there is a real-estate kiosk at the Moncton airport. My Montreal relatives did not bite. #
- 22:42 @JJScheffler What do you call a shuttle? Renting a car would make the most sense if you don't want to take acadianbus.com #
- 22:48 Watching the most boring movie ever made (La captive du désert) on TFO (608 with Rogers) because it stars Sandrine Bonnaire. #
- 23:14 @JJScheffler If cost is an issue, I stand by my suggestions. One-way rental or taxi-Acadianbus-taxi is way cheaper than illegal vans. #
- 01:50 Where can I get a vuvuzela ringtone for my iPhone? #
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
- 13:39 @Zoompass Except in North America where cash, debit and credit still rule (because, unlike Zoompass, they are free to consumers). #
- 13:49 Not a single Atlantic Canada city on the new Monopoly Canada board. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut also left out. #
- 13:51 ... Our cities suck (except maybe Halifax), but at least we have the ocean. Take that Gatineau. #
- 13:53 According the computer simulations, New Brunswick won't be affected by the oil spill. Still, good to swim early and often, just in case... #
- 13:55 Also, you might want to bo ok your non-USA, non-Varadero winter vacation soon, as south Florida (and Cuba ?) is about to get all oiled-up. #
- 13:58 @ianmcc I'm on hour 20 of trying to upgrade my iPhone 3G. Good luck #
- 14:10 Map of G20 Security Area (joke) twitpic.com/1z1fa7 #
- 17:18 iPhone 3G to ios4 (if updt not wrkng) Step 1: synch your iPhone. Step 2: Click restore. Step 3: After phone reboots, "restore from backup" #
- 17:20 I was under the impression that restoring from a backup would leave me stuck with the former iOS, but nope, restores everything but OS. #
- 18:20 ... Ok, well now I have iOS 4 on my iPhone 3G but the restore to back-up method ate 80% of my apps! Re-download them for free, but a pain. #
- 22:04 My objective for updating to iOS4 was for folders so I could add more apps. But now that I've lost them all, I don't need folders! ... #
- 22:09 Re-installing my apps, I thank goodness for the Kindle and Kobo clouds. But I will have to replay many levels of Angry Bird. :( #ios #
- 22:15 With folders in #ios4 , people are less likely to find out about my new Miley Cyrus app. :) #
- 22:24 Consider me mystifi ed. After re-installing Angry Bird, it remembers what levels I've played. #
- 22:27 Ditto for Stanza. All my books are still there. Weird. #
- 22:30 The apps were all gone. But when I reinstall them, they remember all my data! Seriously weird. #
- 22:42 @Mathieu_LF In theory, I shouldn't have lost the apps in the first place. So perhaps they are only partially removed (w/ data on phone). #
- 22:59 If you squint, you can see Miley Cyrus under "Musique". :) #ios4 PS. Love bilingual check. twitpic.com/1z507p #
Friday, June 18, 2010
- 08:04 A reality show of hot lesbians. This could work: www.themovienetwork.ca/series/reallword/ #
- 08:24 @CTVCanadaAM Let me tell you about an invention called "quotes". Please use them. Thanks. #
- 08:32 @neyne :) #
- 08:37 After wasting all that money using my brains to bet on the #worldcup, I won $6 from a simple $1 lottery ticket. Insulting. #
- 08:37 I don't have money on this game. Hard to care when you don't. #
- 08:40 ...Both South Korea and Argentina are in the same hemisphere as Canada. So geography is no help. #
- 08:47 ...Thanks to the Darien Gap, I can't even drive to Argentina, so the fact that we are technically on the same continent is of no value. #
- 18:19 Kobo still do not have French content, but at least their iPhone app now does pictures. twitpic.com/1xmt19 #
- 18:26 Hey NY Times et al, if people cared about the score, they would have/will watch the game. #
- 20:14 At least 1% of Canadian members of Parliament already have an iPad. Inc redible. #
Thursday, June 17, 2010
- 09:51 I'm exploring the E3 conferance via PlayStation Home. Pretty cool. I'd already pre-ordered GT 5 (out Nov 2). Nice trailer. :) #
- 15:37 PS3 streaming Leo Laporte updating his Mac OS on my 42 inch TV. Fabulous waste of technology. live.twit.tv/ #
- 15:51 OK, now watching recorded soccer on my TV while listening to live.twit.tv/ on my computer. Way better than the vuvuzelas. #
- 20:42 I don't understand analysts and journalists who say many iPhone 3GS customers are eligible for the $199 upgrade with AT&T . None are. #
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
- 07:20 @AranH Amanda's book will only be available tomorrow in Canada.You can then check Amazon.com 's Kindle section or Kobobooks (both good apps) #
- 07:24 @kobo Any chance Kobobooks will sell books in French soon? vitrine.entrepotnumerique.com/ #
- 07:26 @prophetsecular They need construction materials, not laptops! #
- 07:38 @prophetsecular Don't be like that. You know as well as I do that there were many homes damaged in the recent war. #
- 07:48 @prophetsecular End of the occupation + Right of return. Or, integration of the territories and democratic rights. = Many friends. #
- 08:10 @prophetsecular How many members of the Knesset does Gaze have? 0. That is not democracy. #
- 08:35 @prophetsecular In the entire world, what country considers Gaza an independent country? #
- 08:47 @prophetsecular "West Bk and Gaza Strip are Israeli-occupied with current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Agreeme nt" (CIA factbk) #
- 08:49 @prophetsecular Because they don't like Hamas. However, UK and many others want blockade lifted. #
- 09:09 @prophetsecular That's the way Israel should have left Gaza. Not unilaterally the way they did. #
- 09:12 @prophetsecular Until the West Bank and refugee issues are settled, people will feel justified in killing Israelis. I would. #
- 09:17 Every freaking #worldcup game on the CBC has an iPad commercial. #
- 09:21 There are 1,035,965 Canadians of Dutch descent. None of them can cook. :) #
- 09:27 Maybe there is a future to New Brunswick's paper industry. (Sun TV ad) www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk2brfbSG2g #
- 09:31 @kathleenogrady Funny, I read NYT and the Globe and Mail far more because of Twitter. #
- 09:34 @poitrasCBC When I first read that (on my iPhone), it did strike me the NYT article mentioned BlackBerrys instead of cell phones. #
- 09:40 @prophetsecular "West Bank & Gaza r ful under Palestinian control." ??? Tell that to the many thousands of Israelis living in the West Bk. #
- 09:48 @prophetsecular The Israelis killed Brits when it was a British "protectorate". It is the way human nature works. #
- 09:51 @prophetsecular What am I making up? #
- 09:57 I don't want to jinx it, but so far, using random.org was a good betting strategy. #worldcup . Go #ned go! #
- 10:00 @prophetsecular Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. As a Canadian, don't want to kill Israelis. But if I was living in Gaza, I could justify it. #
- 10:03 @prophetsecular If the United States effectively controlled Canada, I could see myself launching rockets into Maine. #
- 10:16 @prophetsecular I'm against state religions. In Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Israel or North Korea... #
- 10:21 @prophetsecular Countries that impose a religion (or cult of leader) on others generate enemies. They are unsustainable. #
- 10:25 @prophetsecular Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Atheism should have equal status in Israel. #
- 10:34 @prophetsecular 1. Right of return. 2. Leave all of West Bank OR give all residents Israeli citizenship (including Gazans). #
- 10:39 @prophetsecular Alright, I'll bite. What is your solution? #
- 10:45 Has "vuvuzelas" become a code word for "blacks" ? :) #
- 10:48 @prophetsecular What border would you give to the West Bank? #
- 11:01 @prophetsecular So you are proposing the status quo? With Israel the colonial masters of Gaza and the West Bank? #
- 11:03 You sure get the impression South Africans are not soccer fans when you look at all the empty seats. They should have given unsold tickets. #
- 11:10 I'm going to make $50 if this #worldcup game stays tied. #
- 11:14 @prophetsecular So what border do you propose? Saudi Arabia sucks, but a least we know where the border is. #
- 11:19 T he counter on my new blog is at 1. How long will stay there? :) altavistagoogle2.blogspot.com/ #
- 11:58 @prophetsecular I am in favour of Canada accepting immigrants that speak English or French, regardless of religion. #
- 12:00 @prophetsecular However, I do not support ethic cleansing, violent or otherwise. #
- 12:04 @prophetsecular People speak English in India and Singapore and French in Morocco and the Ivory Coast, so I'm covered against racism. :) #
- 12:08 @prophetsecular Although there are xenophobes in Hamas, their enemy is the State of Israel, not a Hitleresque hatred of Jews. #
- 12:14 @prophetsecular Prove it. Show me where is says Hamas proposes the expulsion of all Jews from Palestine. #
- 12:37 @prophetsecular The way I interpret that document, they are against a Jewish state, but once defeated, they aren't proposing murder. #
- 12:44 @prophetsecular The enemy being Israel. I don't deny there are crazy anti-Semites, but generally, all the movement wants is t o defeat Israel #
- 12:52 @prophetsecular Right, because Jews can't live in Morocco, the USA, Canada, France, UK, the West Bank, etc... #
- 12:58 @prophetsecular That's like saying Aboriginals should control Canada and Celts should control England. #
- 13:00 @prophetsecular Do you propose every religion should have a country? Because the vast majority don't. #
- 13:02 @prophetsecular Or are you like the Christian Evangelical movement that wants all Jews to move to Israel so North America can be "pure". #
- 13:06 Waiting for Obama to say "your doing one heck of a job" to some federal employee in the Gulf. #
- 13:21 @prophetsecular There are many Jews and Muslims here in Canada. I would consider the ones I've worked with as integrated. #
- 13:22 Watching Leo Laporte trying out Microsofts new Kinetic gizmo: live.twit.tv/ #
- 13:23 @prophetsecular Like I said before, countries with a state religion are not sustainable. #
- 13:37 Ha! In the spirit of copyright violation, a new way to get to my blog. j.mp/Kinect . Be sure to jump up and down when reading. #
- 14:13 Pretty impressive live coverage of the E3 door thanks to Leo Laporte live.twit.com #
- 15:12 Will the Xbox voice controls be multilingual? #E3 #
- 15:15 Look Mom, Hotmail, no hands! #E3 #
- 15:25 OK, kid playing with tiger is impressive. #E3 #
- 15:27 What, they have rain in South Africa! #Worldcup #
- 15:42 Twitter opinions on Microsoft Kinect are mixed, but generally negative. #E3 #
- 15:44 @PeteyPablo623 It in on Ustream.tv #
- 15:47 Rain at #Worldcup and rain here in Moncton. Depressing. #
- 16:00 Way to bribe the press Microsoft #E3 #
- 16:01 Um, so new xBox does less than the PS3, but for the same price. I don't get it. #
- 16:02 @rawmess1ah lo l, you haven't been reading the #E3 hashtag. #
- 16:16 I'm watching live.twit.tv and the #Worldcup . So according to Twitter trends, I'm all covered. #
- 23:42 @GordonHughes Funny you should tweet that. I did the trip today via Google Street View. #
- 23:46 @bworley Lol. Hopfully the judge likes kids. #
- 23:59 "In Saudi Arabia women aren't allowed to drive" will now be my answer to any complaints from women. #
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