Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

  • 16:07 The Kindle is now only C$205, shipped. Tempting. I like the idea of being able to wireless buy books anywhere in the world. #
  • 18:05 The C$549 iPad is sold out at most Future Shops. The anarchists must have bought them for the ride home. #
  • 18:32 Watching Tech News Today at because I'm bored and can't actually afford any new technology. #
  • 19:51 According to MSNBC, Russian spies bury money in North America. Let the digging begin! #
  • 23:49 @CaliLewis Your voice is more nasal than on GeakBrief. Please adjust base. #
  • 00:01 You know your life is a tad empty when you keep hitting "check for firmware update" on your PlayStation. PS3 3.40 will be Picasa compatible #
  • 00:04 Exactly at Noon Tokyo time, PS 3.40 firmware now available. I'm at 22%. #
  • 00:11 @ambermac This discussion about bed time would be more interesting if there were pictures. #
  • 00:13 New PS3 firmware installed, now waiting for Photo Gallery firmware installation. Good grief. #
  • 00:16 Actually, Photo Gallery is a separate download! At 17%. Argh! #PS3 #
  • 00:18 All this because the PS3 browser is Picasa web incompatible. This update better be good. #
  • 00:31 After you update to PS3 3.40 , the Picasa web site will work again. #
  • 01:33 I just uploaded a photo to my Picasa account using my PS3. Cool, although probably won't do it much. #PS3 #
  • 03:24 The Picasa web site still sucks in the web browser of the 3.40 #PS3 ,but the Picasa integration with the Photo Gallery is amazing. #
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Monday, June 28, 2010

  • 14:47 Spectacular F1 crash. #
  • 14:56 @himpster Carrier hardware upgrade (still 1 year on contract). I hate the idea of a contract, but service no cheaper w/out. #
  • 16:03 @00mb Would the bank tax apply to credit unions? #
  • 00:16 Hey bud, you owe us a billion dollars. (Screen capture from the CBC's The National) #
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

  • 10:21 I was in Cologne during the 1999 G8. Saw Clinton at a bar. Heavy police, cop told me not to walk down a street, but not a single fence. #G20 #
  • 10:26 @olivier_amar So in Israel the leaves fall in Summer, not Fall? I'm confused #
  • 11:21 I hope the Saudi Arabia delegation at the #G20 is driven around Toronto by a women. Preferably, someone with PMS. :) #
  • 11:22 At 3PM AT, USA will teach Ghana that the Developed World rules. Third World should stick to making our stuff. Games are for rich people. :) #
  • 11:25 @carolyndunncbc Dam, I wonder what their Summers are like. #
  • 11:53 I love how despite CIBC having TV commercials for their app, TD's is more popular. #
  • 12:14 @MicRoh365 You do realise that the iPhone is incompatible with the WIND network. #
  • 13:19 Watching the USA-Algeria game in HD on Rogers On Demand. Don't tell me how it ends :) #
  • 13:24 @Joan_Rivers I've un-followed you because of this nonsense. #
  • 13:36 Getting satisfaction as @Joan_Rivers loses her followers for spamming iPad scam (or for allowing her account to be hacked by spammer). #
  • 15:06 Unlike the USA, Ghana was never part of the same country as Canada (unless you don't accept 1867 as Canada's year of independence) #Worldcup #
  • 15:14 ... However, many provinces, now part of Canada, were, at different times, part of the same country as Ghana and the USA. #Worldcup #
  • 15:19 The commercials are way better on ABC. #Worldcup #
  • 15:25 :) NHL Draft is trending in Canada. We have our priorities straight. #Worldcup #
  • 15:33 Dear racists, FYI, the president of Ghana is not African-American but he is Black. #Worldcup #
  • 15:37 Africans are all rooting for Ghana. Just like all North Americans are rooting for the USA. Now you know. :) #Worldcup #
  • 15:38 There should be continental teams. That way we could teach those smug Antarcticans a lesson. #
  • 17:28 The Future Shop down-town Toronto was attacked (CBC), if they hurt the iPads, shoot to kill! :) #G20 #
  • 17:35 Since the #G20 protesters are mostly White, do we assume they are foreigners? #
  • < em>17:37 #G20 protesters trash Toronto. Nobody can tell the difference. :) #
  • 17:45 @4Lou At least one leader (the Russian President) is taken a highway as his helicopter was grounded because of fog. #
  • 18:05 @neyne "Important" to promote soccer in the USA? Really? Think about it. :) #
  • 18:09 @neyne Americans have their own sports. What's the point of converting baseball, basketball, football and wrestling fans? #
  • 18:12 #G20 protesters protests against globalisation by not watching #Worldcup soccer. #
  • 18:15 @draper1206 What about the Summer Olympics? That is only 2 years away. Besides. Americans play soccer, they just don't watch it much. #
  • 18:20 @neyne US population: 307 million. Northern North Americans create the best cell phone and have the best sports. Sorry. :) #
  • 18:24 Unless some #G20 protesters get killed, nobody really cares. Any volunteers? #
  • 18:34 @neyne I don't know. Was being a jerk. Still, I really don't see the benefit of evangelising soccer to North Americans. #
  • 18:48 @neyne Popular = More expensive. National Hockey League tickets used to be affordable before American expansion. #
  • 21:00 #G20 riots: I guess Toronto bankers really don't want the global bank tax. #
  • 21:05 Apparently, Toronto police drive Pintos "burning police car could blow at any moment" (CBC). Journalist science fail. #
  • 21:59 Zombieland on TMN starts in 5. #
  • 22:32 "Thank God for red-necks" (Zombieland on TMN) #
  • 23:40 Sinc e China and Saudi Arabia are members of the G20, I'm not sure what the anarchists want. Are they for democracy or against it? #
  • 00:12 Who knew the National Post was just a front for Canada's anarchy movement? #
  • 00:41 F1 fans, don't forget to set your DVR for Sunday: 9AM Moncton time. #
  • 01:16 OK Moncton, what's with all the 1:15 am sirens? #
  • 01:48 @WildRoseMPBlake Are you advocating gov gas price ctrls like in NB and NS? #
  • 01:52 Just to be clea r, Canadians can't buy the EVO, the Droid X or the iPhone 4G!? Thank goodness for Blackberry. #
  • 02:06 The purpose of the #G20 is to discuss ways to stay rich and to complain about the help. Not that there is anything wrong with that. #
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

  • 11:40 When my 3 year old niece needs to be punished, my sister puts her in front of #worldcup soccer. #
  • 11:55 @myfriendian Your tweet would be more relevant if you told us your location instead of "anywhere". #
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Friday, June 25, 2010

  • 22:33 I find it amusing that there is a real-estate kiosk at the Moncton airport. My Montreal relatives did not bite. #
  • 22:42 @JJScheffler What do you call a shuttle? Renting a car would make the most sense if you don't want to take #
  • 22:48 Watching the most boring movie ever made (La captive du désert) on TFO (608 with Rogers) because it stars Sandrine Bonnaire. #
  • 23:14 @JJScheffler If cost is an issue, I stand by my suggestions. One-way rental or taxi-Acadianbus-taxi is way cheaper than illegal vans. #
  • 01:50 Where can I get a vuvuzela ringtone for my iPhone? #
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

  • 13:39 @Zoompass Except in North America where cash, debit and credit still rule (because, unlike Zoompass, they are free to consumers). #
  • 13:49 Not a single Atlantic Canada city on the new Monopoly Canada board. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon, NWT and Nunavut also left out. #
  • 13:51 ... Our cities suck (except maybe Halifax), but at least we have the ocean. Take that Gatineau. #
  • 13:53 According the computer simulations, New Brunswick won't be affected by the oil spill. Still, good to swim early and often, just in case... #
  • 13:55 Also, you might want to bo ok your non-USA, non-Varadero winter vacation soon, as south Florida (and Cuba ?) is about to get all oiled-up. #
  • 13:58 @ianmcc I'm on hour 20 of trying to upgrade my iPhone 3G. Good luck #
  • 14:10 Map of G20 Security Area (joke) #
  • 17:18 iPhone 3G to ios4 (if updt not wrkng) Step 1: synch your iPhone. Step 2: Click restore. Step 3: After phone reboots, "restore from backup" #
  • 17:20 I was under the impression that restoring from a backup would leave me stuck with the former iOS, but nope, restores everything but OS. #
  • 18:20 ... Ok, well now I have iOS 4 on my iPhone 3G but the restore to back-up method ate 80% of my apps! Re-download them for free, but a pain. #
  • 22:04 My objective for updating to iOS4 was for folders so I could add more apps. But now that I've lost them all, I don't need folders! ... #
  • 22:09 Re-installing my apps, I thank goodness for the Kindle and Kobo clouds. But I will have to replay many levels of Angry Bird. :( #ios #
  • 22:15 With folders in #ios4 , people are less likely to find out about my new Miley Cyrus app. :) #
  • 22:24 Consider me mystifi ed. After re-installing Angry Bird, it remembers what levels I've played. #
  • 22:27 Ditto for Stanza. All my books are still there. Weird. #
  • 22:30 The apps were all gone. But when I reinstall them, they remember all my data! Seriously weird. #
  • 22:42 @Mathieu_LF In theory, I shouldn't have lost the apps in the first place. So perhaps they are only partially removed (w/ data on phone). #
  • 22:59 If you squint, you can see Miley Cyrus under "Musique". :) #ios4 PS. Love bilingual check. #
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Friday, June 18, 2010

  • 08:04 A reality show of hot lesbians. This could work: #
  • 08:24 @CTVCanadaAM Let me tell you about an invention called "quotes". Please use them. Thanks. #
  • 08:32 @neyne :) #
  • 08:37 After wasting all that money using my brains to bet on the #worldcup, I won $6 from a simple $1 lottery ticket. Insulting. #
  • 08:37 I don't have money on this game. Hard to care when you don't. #
  • 08:40 ...Both South Korea and Argentina are in the same hemisphere as Canada. So geography is no help. #
  • 08:47 ...Thanks to the Darien Gap, I can't even drive to Argentina, so the fact that we are technically on the same continent is of no value. #
  • 18:19 Kobo still do not have French content, but at least their iPhone app now does pictures. #
  • 18:26 Hey NY Times et al, if people cared about the score, they would have/will watch the game. #
  • 20:14 At least 1% of Canadian members of Parliament already have an iPad. Inc redible. #
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

  • 09:51 I'm exploring the E3 conferance via PlayStation Home. Pretty cool. I'd already pre-ordered GT 5 (out Nov 2). Nice trailer. :) #
  • 15:37 PS3 streaming Leo Laporte updating his Mac OS on my 42 inch TV. Fabulous waste of technology. #
  • 15:51 OK, now watching recorded soccer on my TV while listening to on my computer. Way better than the vuvuzelas. #
  • 20:42 I don't understand analysts and journalists who say many iPhone 3GS customers are eligible for the $199 upgrade with AT&T . None are. #
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

  • 07:20 @AranH Amanda's book will only be available tomorrow in Canada.You can then check 's Kindle section or Kobobooks (both good apps) #
  • 07:24 @kobo Any chance Kobobooks will sell books in French soon? #
  • 07:26 @prophetsecular They need construction materials, not laptops! #
  • 07:38 @prophetsecular Don't be like that. You know as well as I do that there were many homes damaged in the recent war. #
  • 07:48 @prophetsecular End of the occupation + Right of return. Or, integration of the territories and democratic rights. = Many friends. #
  • 08:10 @prophetsecular How many members of the Knesset does Gaze have? 0. That is not democracy. #
  • 08:35 @prophetsecular In the entire world, what country considers Gaza an independent country? #
  • 08:47 @prophetsecular "West Bk and Gaza Strip are Israeli-occupied with current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Agreeme nt" (CIA factbk) #
  • 08:49 @prophetsecular Because they don't like Hamas. However, UK and many others want blockade lifted. #
  • 09:09 @prophetsecular That's the way Israel should have left Gaza. Not unilaterally the way they did. #
  • 09:12 @prophetsecular Until the West Bank and refugee issues are settled, people will feel justified in killing Israelis. I would. #
  • 09:17 Every freaking #worldcup game on the CBC has an iPad commercial. #
  • 09:21 There are 1,035,965 Canadians of Dutch descent. None of them can cook. :) #
  • 09:27 Maybe there is a future to New Brunswick's paper industry. (Sun TV ad) #
  • 09:31 @kathleenogrady Funny, I read NYT and the Globe and Mail far more because of Twitter. #
  • 09:34 @poitrasCBC When I first read that (on my iPhone), it did strike me the NYT article mentioned BlackBerrys instead of cell phones. #
  • 09:40 @prophetsecular "West Bank & Gaza r ful under Palestinian control." ??? Tell that to the many thousands of Israelis living in the West Bk. #
  • 09:48 @prophetsecular The Israelis killed Brits when it was a British "protectorate". It is the way human nature works. #
  • 09:51 @prophetsecular What am I making up? #
  • 09:57 I don't want to jinx it, but so far, using was a good betting strategy. #worldcup . Go #ned go! #
  • 10:00 @prophetsecular Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. As a Canadian, don't want to kill Israelis. But if I was living in Gaza, I could justify it. #
  • 10:03 @prophetsecular If the United States effectively controlled Canada, I could see myself launching rockets into Maine. #
  • 10:16 @prophetsecular I'm against state religions. In Iran, Saudi-Arabia, Israel or North Korea... #
  • 10:21 @prophetsecular Countries that impose a religion (or cult of leader) on others generate enemies. They are unsustainable. #
  • 10:25 @prophetsecular Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Atheism should have equal status in Israel. #
  • 10:34 @prophetsecular 1. Right of return. 2. Leave all of West Bank OR give all residents Israeli citizenship (including Gazans). #
  • 10:39 @prophetsecular Alright, I'll bite. What is your solution? #
  • 10:45 Has "vuvuzelas" become a code word for "blacks" ? :) #
  • 10:48 @prophetsecular What border would you give to the West Bank? #
  • 11:01 @prophetsecular So you are proposing the status quo? With Israel the colonial masters of Gaza and the West Bank? #
  • 11:03 You sure get the impression South Africans are not soccer fans when you look at all the empty seats. They should have given unsold tickets. #
  • 11:10 I'm going to make $50 if this #worldcup game stays tied. #
  • 11:14 @prophetsecular So what border do you propose? Saudi Arabia sucks, but a least we know where the border is. #
  • 11:19 T he counter on my new blog is at 1. How long will stay there? :) #
  • 11:58 @prophetsecular I am in favour of Canada accepting immigrants that speak English or French, regardless of religion. #
  • 12:00 @prophetsecular However, I do not support ethic cleansing, violent or otherwise. #
  • 12:04 @prophetsecular People speak English in India and Singapore and French in Morocco and the Ivory Coast, so I'm covered against racism. :) #
  • 12:08 @prophetsecular Although there are xenophobes in Hamas, their enemy is the State of Israel, not a Hitleresque hatred of Jews. #
  • 12:14 @prophetsecular Prove it. Show me where is says Hamas proposes the expulsion of all Jews from Palestine. #
  • 12:37 @prophetsecular The way I interpret that document, they are against a Jewish state, but once defeated, they aren't proposing murder. #
  • 12:44 @prophetsecular The enemy being Israel. I don't deny there are crazy anti-Semites, but generally, all the movement wants is t o defeat Israel #
  • 12:52 @prophetsecular Right, because Jews can't live in Morocco, the USA, Canada, France, UK, the West Bank, etc... #
  • 12:58 @prophetsecular That's like saying Aboriginals should control Canada and Celts should control England. #
  • 13:00 @prophetsecular Do you propose every religion should have a country? Because the vast majority don't. #
  • 13:02 @prophetsecular Or are you like the Christian Evangelical movement that wants all Jews to move to Israel so North America can be "pure". #
  • 13:06 Waiting for Obama to say "your doing one heck of a job" to some federal employee in the Gulf. #
  • 13:21 @prophetsecular There are many Jews and Muslims here in Canada. I would consider the ones I've worked with as integrated. #
  • 13:22 Watching Leo Laporte trying out Microsofts new Kinetic gizmo: #
  • 13:23 @prophetsecular Like I said before, countries with a state religion are not sustainable. #
  • 13:37 Ha! In the spirit of copyright violation, a new way to get to my blog. . Be sure to jump up and down when reading. #
  • 14:13 Pretty impressive live coverage of the E3 door thanks to Leo Laporte #
  • 15:12 Will the Xbox voice controls be multilingual? #E3 #
  • 15:15 Look Mom, Hotmail, no hands! #E3 #
  • 15:25 OK, kid playing with tiger is impressive. #E3 #
  • 15:27 What, they have rain in South Africa! #Worldcup #
  • 15:42 Twitter opinions on Microsoft Kinect are mixed, but generally negative. #E3 #
  • 15:44 @PeteyPablo623 It in on #
  • 15:47 Rain at #Worldcup and rain here in Moncton. Depressing. #
  • 16:00 Way to bribe the press Microsoft #E3 #
  • 16:01 Um, so new xBox does less than the PS3, but for the same price. I don't get it. #
  • 16:02 @rawmess1ah lo l, you haven't been reading the #E3 hashtag. #
  • 16:16 I'm watching and the #Worldcup . So according to Twitter trends, I'm all covered. #
  • 23:42 @GordonHughes Funny you should tweet that. I did the trip today via Google Street View. #
  • 23:46 @bworley Lol. Hopfully the judge likes kids. #
  • 23:59 "In Saudi Arabia women aren't allowed to drive" will now be my answer to any complaints from women. #
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Monday, June 14, 2010

  • 03:44 @cyc1984 I don't think they are that good at marketing. Look at Apple TV and Mac computers. iPad is best/cheapest tablet out there. #
  • 05:30 Forget skill, I'm now using to decide on what and how much to bet. #ned to win first game and #jpn and #cmr to tie 2nd #worldcup #
  • 05:35 This sitting will kill you study is freaking me out. Is lying is bed all day better? Because I can do that. ;) #unemployed #
  • 06:25 @cyc1984 It is a big planet. Not even for sale yet in rich places like Scandinavia. Few expected the iPad to be this popular. #
  • 06:53 @cyc1984 Even in "poor" places, some people have money for an iPad. It is a luxury item, no doubt, but way cheaper than a car or house. #
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

  • 10:03 @moorecats Greece can score 2 in the last 10 minutes. :) #
  • 10:11 Fact: you can drive to South Africa from Greece (but not from South Korea). #
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

  • 08:37 This #Worldcup may get expensive. I've already bet $29 on . Go #esp and #bra for the cup. To win today: #rsa and #fra . #
  • 09:51 South Africa sure has alot of black people. Hard to believe Apartheid lasted so long. #
  • 10:42 Google Street View now in South Africa! #rsa Checkout in and around the stadiums: #worldcup #
  • 11:02 I have money on the black, er, South African team. :) #
  • 11:09 Would it be crass to complain that the FIFA stations with player cams are not in HD? 391, 392, 393 on Rogers Digital Cable. #worldcup #
  • 12:02 @Joan_Rivers LOL. #
  • 06:37 You support #eng, you support oil spills. Just saying. 2:15PM NY time on ABC in the #usa . #worldcup #
  • 06:40 Ataturk was ugly. RT @guardiantech Turkish president uses Twitter to condemn YouTube ban #
  • 06:49 First two games today will be ties (I bet a toonie). And in an other bet, Argentina and USA will win ($2). I lost $25 yesterday. #Proline #
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Friday, June 11, 2010

  • 18:46 Clever comment (n.70) about the Angry Birds iPhone game. #
  • 20:21 A French Fries smuggling ring was dismantled today at the French-Swiss border. So just how much duty do the Swiss pay on French Fries? #
  • 20:25 I can't get Office Live to work. Keep getting error messages. :( #
  • 20:27 ... Sweet, now Office Live is working (but for how long?) #
  • 20:49 Still frequent error messages in Office Live. Should have been left in Beta. #
  • 01:00 Leo Laporte make s 1.1 million dollars a year thanks to his podcasts! #
  • 01:27 Listening to The Guardian's (MP3) #
  • 06:46 If you write #WorldCup ,Twitter will add a soccer ball to the tweet on the web site. #
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My-Mes Tweets

Sending my tweets to my blog seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I realise it makes for too much clutter on my blog. So if all goes according to plan, my tweets shall be posted here instead.

Dorénavant, mes tweet seront ajouté ici au lieu de sur mon blog. Il devenait trop encombré.