Monday, December 13, 2010

  • 15:47 African-Americans and Latinos are twice as likely to use [Twitter] as whites. (NYTimes) #
  • 17:22 Informative article: Canada faces a flood of heroin and addicts Ottawa Citizen #
  • 18:35 Ultimate gag gift this Christmas: Decision Points, George W. Bush (advo link on my blog). #
  • 18:39 @geraldfillion Un contexte géographique aide beaucoup lorsqu'on parle de la météo sur Internet. Je présume que vous êtes à Montréal? #
  • 18:41 Things just got real. No longer with iPad in bed. Now out of bed in front of computer! (Lazy Sunday while sick). #
  • 18:43 Promote freedom of expression my brin! ging down web sites? Um, no. Vandalism is vandalism. #
  • 18:49 @cr0vax 100% d'accord. Mais je crois que l'on devrait viser plus haut que les standards des membres du Congrès américains. #
  • 18:53 @kathleenogrady - Maybe it is just the home sickness speaking, but that is actually a nice photo. #
  • 18:56 My 40 something former boss here in Moncton came back from Ottawa talking about the "all those tall buildings" ... #
  • 18:58 ... I couldn't resit laughing at him (Ottaw a buildings have a height restriction in the belief that Parliament shouldn't be dwarfed) #
  • 19:01 @snookca Unless you have bronchitis like I do right now, as it grantees a stressful coughing fit. #
  • 19:10 If you spent the day reading the New York Times, you should finish it off with a dose of Jersey Shore (staring NYers: ) #
  • 19:25 "Eating fried pickles was life changing experience" (Jersey Shore's Snooki in Savannah on her way to Miami). #
  • 19:58 "I was sceptical about 7 inches too" ( @CaliLewis on TWIT) #
  • 20:26 Immigrants should be forced to watch Jersey Shore before coming to North America. #
  • 22:04 Do not give to Protestant bible pushers like Samaritan's Purse. Give to legit aid organisations. #Hait #
  • 22:11 Tea Party in shock as Sarah Palin promises to send more of their money to Haiti, using (expensive) military equipment. #
  • 22:16 DÉCOUVERTE Épisode 10 : La ruée vers le gaz de schiste #
  • 00:29 So Gizmodo was hacked and now a ha! cker somewhere knows my password (unlike me, I forgot it ages ago). #
  • 00:59 "I could adapt to anything except the loss of female company" (HarryHarrison aka Julian Assange's dating profile).Oops. #
  • 01:45 Winona Ryder says she doesn't use the Internet, just email. My pet peeve is people confusing the World Wide Web and the Internet. #
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